
stumble upon

stumble uponthe best thing on the internets since the search engine. if you do not have this browser extension yet you need to stop being a fool and get with the program. if you like the internets and like all the amazing-ness on the web then this is something you should stop living without. a lot of what i will post will be the result of 'stumbling'.
you can get a firefox extension that will add everything you need right on the toolbar (pretty nifty if you ask me). you could use it with 'internet esploder' (IE) if you wanted. i do not know why you would want that, but i unfortunately can not right all your wrongs. but just stop. no more IE. everytime you open that browser you are making a conscious choice to be a tool. but that is a topic for another post.
that is it.enjoy.peace


meebo is quite a discovery brought to my attention by herweg (if you know then you know - if you do not then you do not.) for as long as i have been using computers at learning facilities those institutions have done everything within their power to stop me from using instant messaging programs. if you have ever or are currently suffering from this injustice - the wisdom of herweg will set you free. any instant chat you can think of - on this site ( or close to it) just another way of the man keeping me down and me proving to the man that he is not as boss as i am. *note* boss is a highly under-used word. thus i will attempt to bring it back. because otherwise that would not be boss.
that is it.enjoy.peace


banksy is something i like to call awesome sauce. i truly enjoy his style; not only in his artwork but in his approach to the public. just read some of the things on the site. i like this cat. hope you will too. that is it.enjoy.peace.

what this is.

i haven't always been the biggest fan of blogs. perhaps it is because i have experience blogs in some of the worst ways. blogs for school which i did not want to do and did not. and my least favorite type of blogs - 'iamsoemoihavetocryinhypertextmarkuplanguage' blogs.
this is neither. this is simply me sharing all the amazing/gross/strange/awesome sauce/funny/cute gems that i happen to stumble upon during my time journeying through the internets.
if the situation permits i will respond to posts with my own opinions and what have you. it is my hope that if you are reading those posts (as well as any others) you will feel able and willing to refute or agree with me.
that is all.enjoy.peace.